Qualified Charitable Distributions

Qualified Charitable Distributions Did you know that if you meet certain criteria you may be able to gift money directly from your IRA to Giving Children Hope? To do this you must be over 70 ½ years old, the distribution must be a required minimum and cannot exceed...

Tender Care Community Outreach Program makes dreams come true in 2019!

Giving Children Hope wouldn’t be able to serve thousands of children across the street and around the world without the support of deeply committed individuals who sacrifice their time and utilize their networks to bring hope. Among our greatest supporters, the Tender...

Lost. Homeless. Depleted. Meaningless.

These words offer a description of the experience of millions of people around the world. Fathers and mothers, sons and daughters, whose identities have been stripped and transformed into statistics that at our most calloused we easily scroll past. They have lost...

Point-In-Time Count Reveals increase in Homelessness

Every other year Orange County surveys the number of homeless individuals residing within its borders. This year’s recently released Point in Time count revealed that there are 6,870 homeless individuals across the county. This represents a 43% increase from the...

A Walk towards Hope

As the father of three teenage sons most conversations at my house these days begin with “Dad, I need…” followed by an urgent request that is almost always a “want” and rarely a “need”. I recently returned from the Venezuelan border where I spent the week with the...